2024.04.15 19:16
wedding game

There's a tradition that during weddings, games with a sexual undertone are often organized during the "oczepiny" (the unveiling ceremony). It's an interesting custom. In many cultures, there is a ritual breaking of taboos at special moments, so I like that our nation upholds this meta-tradition. On the other hand, many people don't like that these games are often primitive and crude. I've been wondering lately if it's possible to invent a wedding game that has a sexual character but isn't crude - and I came up with one. It involves placing n chairs (n ∈ N∖{0}) in the middle of the room and playing "Lambada" through the speakers. We send n + 1 volunteers to the middle of the room and make them dance in a circle around the chairs. Meanwhile, the DJ shouts various Latin words and phrases into the microphone. For example: "lorem ipsum!", "mamma!", "dura lex!", "lignum!", "mercatus!", "vagina!", "cursus nummorum!", "pecunia!", "aequatio!", "saltatrix!", "ex libris!", "mons pubis!", "cave canem!", "perineum!", "saxum!", "flamma!", "caput femoris!", "civitas!", "axis symmetriae!", "debitum!", "essentia existentiae!", "vulva!", "via media!", "pax romana!"... The task is that when a phrase meaning a part of the female intimate anatomy is called out, the players must quickly stop dancing and sit on a chair. Only one person can sit on each chair, so according to the pigeonhole principle, someone will definitely be left without a chair. The player who hesitates and doesn't find a chair is eliminated from the game and leaves the stage, mocked by the audience who comment that such an old guy doesn't know female anatomy. If the guests have had a bit to drink, there might be heated debates, for example, whether the navel is intimate anatomy or not? In any case, after a player leaves, one chair is removed (so there are still one less chair than players), the players resume dancing, the DJ returns to reciting - and the game continues. When there is only one player left on stage, they receive applause and a bottle of wine, and their spouse gets a rose, and the game ends.

2024.04.15 19:19 P.

Zamawiam, że jeśli ktoś kiedyś zorganizuje tę zabawę na jakimś weselu, to żeby mnie powiadomił.


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