2024.01.25 05:27
a logical puzzle that no LLM could solve when I tried

I came up with a logical puzzle yesterday that's easy, but none of the language models I tested could solve it. I tested it on GPT 3.5 chat, Bing's chat (which I think uses GPT 4), and Google's Bard. Here's the puzzle: Bolek and Lolek each have four identical boxes of candies. Both Bolek and Lolek eat one candy each day from one of their boxes. However, they follow different rules: Bolek always takes a candy from the box with the most candies, while Lolek does the opposite. Who will empty a box first?

2024.02.05 07:11 P.

Chat GPT 4 rozwala tę zagadkę bez problemu.

2024.03.10 10:39 P.

Darmowy Claude (czyli Claude 3 Sonnet) też rozwiązuje tę zagadkę.

2024.04.23 05:54 P.

No ale llama3 sobie nie radzi.

2024.06.26 18:10 P.

test, test, 123...

2024.06.26 18:11 P.

test, test, test, 456


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