2023.03.04 06:09
fridge in winter

Sometimes in winter, I think that having a fridge is pointless: I spend money on electricity to cool my food, while on the balcony, I have cold for free. I know, I could just keep food on the balcony (and I often do, for example, now I have beans and pickles there), but it has its drawbacks because I can't control the temperature there. Some things I want to keep always below zero degrees, and others I never want to freeze. So, I was thinking recently that the fridge could use this external cold. There are a few ways to do this. You could put the fridge on the balcony - but then you’d probably need to add a heater inside it so the fridge could detect when it’s getting too cold and warm itself up if necessary. Or have a fridge that could move itself onto the balcony and back to the kitchen. Or - moving from silly ideas to smarter ones - have the fridge's condenser placed outside so it could draw in cold air from outside as needed in the winter. But I don't know if this would actually save money. On one hand, I think, "It’s pointless to waste electricity to create cold when I can get it for free from outside." But on the other hand, I think, "I need to pump heat out of the fridge because there's too much of it - so where is it better to pump it: outside, where it goes to waste, or into the apartment, where it can heat my home?".



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