2022.11.27 12:56
intersecting contour lines

Yesterday I was wondering, if contour lines intersected on a map, what would the terrain look like. It seems to me that it would look like this: there would be a slope (like the side of a mountain), the slope would continue, getting steeper and steeper (so the contour lines would get closer together), eventually the slope would become a vertical cliff (so the contour lines would merge), then suddenly the cliff would turn into an inverted cliff - let's say, if it was high on the left and low on the right, it would suddenly switch to being low on the left and high on the right - and then the cliff would change into a slope getting more and more gentle.

2022.12.02 08:45 lol

co to za strona XD

2022.12.04 21:23 nuclear-bean

prosze sie nie smiac, mi sie tu bardzo podoba

2022.12.07 02:36 P.

@nuclear-bean: dziękuję za pochwałę, będzie ona dla mnie motywacją do dalszej wytężonej pracy! Wpisz się, proszę, na listę obecności:

2023.01.17 02:40 P.

A teraz ćwiczenie na wyobraźnię przestrzenną: a jakby poziomice były dwiema prostymi przecinającym się pod kątem prostym?


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