2021.05.20 19:00
why i can't lift myself

Recently, I was explaining to Z. and T. why it's impossible to lift oneself, and I came up with a simple explanation. Let's say I weigh 100 kg. What happens when I lift a pot weighing 10 kg? I'll weigh 110 kg - right? Now, let's consider what would happen if I tried to lift myself. I weigh 100 kg, so if I lift a person weighing 100 kg, that makes a total of 200 kg. Oh, so I've lifted someone who weighs 200 kg - that means I weigh 300 kg. Oh, so I've lifted someone who weighs 300 kg - that means I weigh 400 kg. Oh, so I've lifted someone who weighs 400 kg - that means I weigh 500 kg. Oh, so I've lifted someone who weighs 500 kg... and so on. As a result, the more I try to lift myself, the heavier I become, endlessly. Which I actually feel because when I attempt to lift myself by grabbing my feet with my hands, the pressure on my arms keeps increasing and increasing until I run out of strength.



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