2021.04.05 15:34
I invented a game: internal combustion engine

I came up with a computer game. On the screen, there is a schematic drawing of a cross-section of an internal combustion engine: cylinder, piston, connecting rod, valves, spark plug. When I turn the mouse wheel, the engine turns (and even when I stop turning the wheel, the engine continues to spin briefly due to inertia). Using the keyboard, I can control the valves and the spark plug: for example, pressing the "A" key opens the intake valve (and releasing it closes the valve), pressing the "D" key opens the exhaust valve (and releasing it closes the valve), pressing the "S" key causes the spark plug to spark. The goal of the game is to start the engine and keep it running for, let's say, a minute: you have to spin the engine and then manipulate the valves and spark to keep it running. Of course, the more realistic the game is, the cooler it would be: for instance, it would be great if the engine behaved realistically when I spin it in the opposite direction or when I release the exhaust through the intake valve, etc.



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