2021.02.27 05:19
why February has 28 days
A year has (approximately) 365 days, so some months have to be longer and others shorter - but why exactly like this? Why does February have 28 days, while June and July follow each other with 31 days each, and not the other way around? Because it could be the other way around: for example, July could have 28 days, and January and February could each have 31 days. Well, it's not random. Our calendar was created at a time when most people were farmers, and farmers find it advantageous to have extra days during harvest time, when there's a lot of work in the fields (remember how you feel at work when someone pushes the deadline for a difficult project two days later, giving you an extra two days to finish), and to have fewer days during the early part of the year, when agricultural work is minimal and food supplies are running low.
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