2020.12.25 04:58
a handful of life hacks for 2021

The new year is a time for reflection and resolutions. It's when we consider what changes to make in our lives, how to avoid wasting time and money, how to better utilize our natural abilities, and how to improve our relationships with loved ones. So, along with New Year's wishes, I'm sending you a handful of useful life hacks to make life easier.
1. When buying shoes, it's worth buying them in pairs. Adopt a simple rule: whenever you buy shoes, buy two pairs at once — left and its matching right, symmetrically identical. You'll save a lot of time because you won't have to go store-hopping to find a matching shoe with a similar cut and color.
2. When you receive emails from admirers, don't delete them right away; instead, save them in an Excel spreadsheet with their name, phone number, and (importantly) their country and city. This way, during business trips, you can reach out to someone who can show you around the old town, share interesting local legends, and recommend good restaurants.
3. Buy yourself a second pair of shoes — one for winter and one for summer. It may seem like you're spending twice as much on shoes this way, but consider that each pair will last you twice as long because you'll only wear each one half the time. The big advantage is that your feet won't be freezing in winter or overheating in summer.
4. We all know how annoying it is when we're in a rush, about to leave, and nervously rummaging through the drawer for car keys, wondering which key belongs to which car. Luckily, this problem has an easy solution: hang a corkboard above your desk with pictures of your cars and pin the keys next to the appropriate picture.
5. On your first day at a new kindergarten, remember which sticker marks your locker in the cloakroom. This way, you won't have trouble finding your jacket before going for a walk.
6. If you're on vacation in the countryside and can't sleep well in the morning because birdsong wakes you up, consider buying bird poison. Good nightingale poison can be bought quite cheaply at gardening stores; just lay it out regularly on the windowsill, and after a few days, your mornings will be quiet and peaceful again.
7. You've probably noticed that when you draw a map of a large area, no matter how hard you try to be accurate, the directions on the map don't quite match reality — especially the larger the area covered by the map. Fortunately, there's a simple solution to this! Notice that since you draw meridians as parallel lines, and in reality, the closer to the pole they are, the closer they are to each other, by drawing a map as you move towards higher latitudes, you are increasing the scale in the east-west direction. Just do the same with the north-south direction — meaning that you'll draw subsequent parallels at increasingly larger intervals—and you'll get a map where the angles measured on it are always the same as the angles measured in reality.
8. After being elected pope, everyone is stunned, preoccupied with planning encyclicals and imagining what they will find in the secret archives of the Vatican. However, remember to take a moment amidst all these thoughts and emotions to sit down calmly and think carefully about what name you want to choose. People form their first opinions about a pope based on his name, and it's not easy to change that impression later. Although a saint's name doesn't necessarily reflect his merits, it does matter whether you choose Saint Francis of Assisi or Saint Lucifer of Cagliari as your patron saint.
9. When boiling eggs, it's hard to predict when to take them out of the water to achieve the desired consistency of the whites and yolks. Therefore, it's best to put a dozen eggs in the water, remove them from the pot at thirty-second intervals, and then choose the one whose consistency suits you best to eat.



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