2016.08.07 07:32
how to arbitrarily reduce the queue at the checkout in a store

I have an idea on how to roughly halve the queues at store checkouts. One could adopt a rule where every second customer pays (and every other one leaves without paying), but the paying customer pays twice the price of their purchases. For example, upon exiting, one would flip a coin: if it lands heads, they leave without paying; if it lands tails, they go to the checkout and pay double.

2016.08.17 11:01 gfedorynski

Podobno w Wenezueli zwyczajowo płaci co trzeci motocyklista, na takiej mniej więcej zasadzie jak powyżej.

2016.08.17 20:18 Piotrek

Czekaj, ale za co płaci?


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