2015.06.23 08:44
two activities with children

Here are two simple yet enjoyable activities to do with children.
First: lay newspapers on the floor in the kitchen, bathroom, or another waterproof area. Give the child a bowl of water and a brush, and let them paint with water on the newspapers. The wet newspaper darkens, so you can really paint this way without getting dirty.
Second: light a candle, inflate a balloon, give the balloon to the child, and have them hold it near the candle to make it pop. The excitement is like putting a gas cylinder into a bonfire, but safer. You can also put flour inside the balloon, but then you shouldn't pop it near the candle — flour is flammable — use a pin instead.
Third: sometimes there's a pipe running high up in the house, near the ceiling. Thread a rope through it so that both ends hang freely down. Tie a small bucket with an apple inside to one end. Give the other end to a two-year-old child to pull up the bucket.
Building castles with stones and plaster is also a fun activity.

2015.06.24 17:51 Piotrek

A, i jeszcze trzecia. Nieraz w domu jest jakaś rura biegnąca wysoko, pod sufitem. Przerzucamy przez nią linkę, tak żeby jej oba końce zwisały swobodnie w dół. Do jednego końca przywiązujemy wiaderko i wkładamy do niego jabłko. Drugi koniec dajemy okołodwuletniemu dziecku, żeby wciągało to wiaderko.

2015.08.10 12:40 Piotrek

Dobrą zabawą jest też budowanie zamków z kamieni i gipsu.


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