2010.05.26 09:43
the sauropod puzzle

As we know, the bigger the animal, the more time it needs to secure food for itself. In the case of elephants, this is such a huge problem that they forage for 18 hours a day and barely have enough time to sleep. Modern calculations suggest that sauropods were so enormous that to sustain themselves, they would need to forage for 30 hours a day (see http://archeowiesci.wordpress.com/2010/05/23/sekret-gigantycznych-dinozaurow/). Fortunately, in the times when sauropods lived, the Earth rotated more slowly, giving each day 32 hours - so sauropods still had two hours left for sleep.

2010.05.26 10:42 jfedor

A jak Ziemia zaczęła się obracać szybciej, to wyginęły.

2010.05.26 10:55 Piotrek

Proste i logiczne.


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