2010.03.20 11:24
nicely put, man

I like it when someone can put something nicely. I once went to a film screening. I saw others entering the room, so I went in too. But it turned out that the room wasn't ready yet, they were still setting everything up. So, a guy from the organizers came in and said, "the screening will start in ten minutes, but for now, I invite you outside." Adopt this phrase for yourself and from now on, instead of saying "get out," say nicely, "I invite you outside."

2010.04.26 14:58 qixu

To mi sie przypomniala definicja slowa \"dyplomata\", ktora to kiedys slyszalem. Otoz dyplomata to taki czlowiek, ktory potrafi powiedziec spier***aj w taki sposob, ze druga osoba zaczyna czuc podekscytowanie w zwiazku ze zblizajaca sie wyprawa :)


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