2006.11.19 16:17
Can not map local FS file "/var/www/opole/nic.php" to any URL

I am just trying to learn how to debug my PHP code using dbg-cli. I had such problem:

I run Apache on my I run dgb-cli and do:

$ dbg-cli 
DBG php debugger, version 2.13.1, Copyright 2001, 2006, Dmitri Dmitrienko, www.nusphere.com 
dbg>set mapurlroot 
dbg>set mapremoteroot /var/www/opole/ 
dbg>set maplocalroot /var/www/opole/ 
dbg>set mode on 
dbg>file /var/www/opole/nic.php 
Reading symbols from /var/www/opole/nic.php...done. 
Can not map local FS file "/var/www/opole/nic.php" to any URL. This file must be under "/var/www/opole/" directory Check mapping settings for HTTP mode. 

I make sure that /var/www/opole/nic.php does exist:

$ ls /var/www/opole/nic.php 

So why it says Can not map local FS file "/var/www/opole/nic.php" to any URL?

I found out why. It was because the directory /var/www/opole was a symlink. I must use the real path (as the one given by "realpath()"), not the symlink.



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