2006.03.28 12:19
sensational novel

I have an idea. Someone could write a sensational short story about a man who conducts an investigation based on things that didn't happen. It starts with Tom (let's call him that) waking up in the morning, it's March 28th, an ordinary day. Nothing suggests that something special might happen today. This catches Tom's attention because from movies and books he knows that extraordinary things always happen on such days. Full of suspicion, Tom goes out to the street to get some rolls. He walks carefully, looks around... but no one is following him. Aha, gotcha! Why is no one following me? Surely they must have figured out that I'm onto them... Then Tom notices strange people dressed as civilians walking around the city. He tries to guess where the conspirators have a stash for passing microfilms. He scans the whole city in his mind and - there it is - in the sand container! He runs there but finds nothing - that means someone already took the microfilm! And so on. Of course, at the end, it turns out that Tom was right, his suspicions and observations were correct.

2006.05.27 22:29 andrzej

jest takie opowiadanie w ostatniej Literaturze na świecie (nie pamiętam autora). Bohater postanawia zostać detektywem i na początek pokazuje w barze zdjęcie swojej matki pytając kelnera czy nie poznaje kobiety na zdjęciu. sledztwo prowadzi go w końcu do rozpracowania grożnego gangu. na którego czele stoi.. -jak myślisz: kto?

2006.09.18 20:15 januszek


2008.04.13 09:49 Jurgi

Matka, jest tylko jedna!


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