2007.09.16 21:27 RFC 1738

I just read RFC 1738 ( http://gim.org.pl/rfcs/rfc1738.html ):

For resiliency, programs interpreting URLs should treat 
upper case letters as equivalent to lower case in scheme names

So I tried to visit http://gim.org.pl/rfcs/RFC1738.html instead of http://gim.org.pl/rfcs/rfc1738.html. I received 404.

2010.09.26 16:57 Daniel

Um, that would be HTTP://gim.org.pl/rfcs/rfc1738.html. The scheme name here is http.

2010.09.26 22:54 Piotrek

Yes, I was wrong.


tu wpisz cyfrę cztery: (to takie zabezpieczenie antyspamowe)

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