2006.07.13 06:04 lilo error 0x40

Something strange has happened to me. I compiled a new kernel for my old box and it didn't want to boot. Lilo was giving (almost immediately after I chose this new kernel) error 0x40. Docs say it means "Seek failure. This might be a media problem. Try booting again.". Strange, isn't it? Every time. And the old kernel booted ok. And when I recompiled the kernel, it started booted, but then - after two seconds - restarted the computer. And this way every time. But finally it turned out that the kernel was compiled for higher version of the processor then I actually had. Hope it can help somebody.

2010.03.23 03:56 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:00 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:02 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:03 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:03 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:06 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:07 Piotrek

Test 1.

2010.03.23 04:07 Piotrek

Test 1.


tu wpisz cyfrę cztery: (to takie zabezpieczenie antyspamowe)

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